路由# 321076470

申请按揭的资格: 4个C

2024年2月7日 12分钟

如果你打算买房, getting 预先批准抵押贷款 can give you an edge over other buyers and help you secure your dream home.
A mortgage preapproval is a statement from a lender that shows how much money you can borrow, 你有资格申请什么类型的贷款项目, 你的利率是多少. 然而,获得预先批准并不能保证你会得到贷款. You still need to meet certain 条件s and provide additional information before closing.
那么,贷方如何决定是否预先批准你的抵押贷款呢? 他们着眼于四个主要因素, 通常被称为4c:信用, 能力, 资本, 和抵押品. 阅读下面的内容,了解它们的含义以及它们的重要性.


你的 credit score 和历史 are one of the most important factors that lenders consider when pre-approving you for a mortgage. 你的 credit score is a numerical representation of how well you have managed your debt obligations in the past – or how responsible and trustworthy you are as a borrower. 信用评分 range from 300 to 850, with higher scores indicating better creditworthiness. 你的信用记录是你过去和现在的信用记录, 比如信用卡, 贷款, 和抵押贷款. 它显示了你欠多少钱, 你经常按时付款吗, 如果你有任何负面的项目,比如逾期付款, 集合, 破产, 或取消抵押品赎回权.
Lenders use 你的信用评分 和历史 to assess your risk level as a borrower. They want to see that you have a good track record of paying your bills on time and that you are not overextended with debt. 一般, 你的信用评分越高,你的信用记录越干净, 你就越有可能得到 预先批准抵押贷款 利率就会越低. 不同的贷款项目有不同的信用评分要求, 但通常, you need a minimum score of 620 to qualify for a conventional loan and 580 to qualify for an FHA loan. 但排位赛只是整个过程的一部分. Having a higher score can help you get better terms and save money on 感兴趣. 例如, 如果你的信用评分低于580分, 你需要付10%的首付来申请联邦住房管理局的贷款.


To 提高你的信用评分 和历史, 你应该按时付账单, 保持低信用卡余额, 避免申请新的贷款, 检查你的信用报告是否有错误. You can get a free copy of your credit report from each of the three major credit bureaus (Equifax, 益百利, 和TransUnion)每周在[Annual信贷Report]上发布一次.com]. You can also check 你的信用评分 for free through various online platforms, 如[信贷 Karma]或[NerdWallet].


你的能力就是你偿还抵押贷款的能力. 贷款人看你的收入, 就业, and debt to determine how much you can afford to borrow and whether you can make the monthly payments. They use two ratios to measure 能力: the front-end ratio and the back-end ratio.


前端比率, 也称为住房比率, is the percentage of your gross monthly income that goes toward your housing expenses, 包括你的按揭本金, 感兴趣, 税, 保险, 以及房主协会(HOA)的费用. 贷款人通常希望你的前端比率不超过28%, 这意味着你在住房上的花费不超过收入的28%.


后端比率, 也被称为债务收入比(DTI), is the percentage of your gross monthly income that goes toward all of your debt obligations, 包括你的住房开支和其他债务, 比如信用卡, 学生贷款, 汽车贷款, 个人贷款. 贷款人通常希望你的后端比率不超过36%, 这意味着你的债务支出不超过收入的36%.
计算前端和后端比率, you need to divide your monthly housing expenses and your monthly debt payments by your gross monthly income. 例如, 如果你赚了5美元,你的住宿费是1美元,400美元,你的总债务是1美元,800, 你的前端比率是28%(1美元),400 / $5,000美元),你的后端比率是36%(1美元),800 / $5,000).


To improve your 能力, you should increase your income, reduce your debt or both. You can increase your income by getting a raise, a bonus, a second job or a side hustle. You can reduce your debt by paying off your balances, refinancing your 贷款, 巩固债务 或者谈判降低利率. You can also choose to buy a less expensive home that will result in a lower mortgage payment.



你的 资本 is the amount of money you have available to use for the home purchase. 贷款人看你的资产, 比如你的银行账户, 投资账户, 退休帐户和其他资金来源, 来决定你能付多少首付款, 首付结帐费用和准备金. 他们还会看你的负债, 比如你的未偿债务, 确定你欠多少钱,你能借多少钱.


你的首付款是你为房子预先支付的金额. 它通常以房价的百分比表示. 例如, 如果你花300美元买房子,你付10%的首付款, 你付30美元,000美元预付款,并借270美元,000. 你的首付款的大小影响你的贷款价值比(LTV)。, 贷款占房屋价值的百分比是多少. 例如, if you borrow $270,000 for a $300,000 home, 你LTV is 90% ($270,000 / $300,000).
不同的贷款项目有不同的首付要求, 但通常, 传统贷款需要3%到5%的利率,而传统贷款需要3%到5%的利率.联邦住房管理局贷款5%. 付更多的首付款可以帮助你获得更低的利率, avoid paying private mortgage 保险 (PMI) and reduce your monthly payments.
你的 关闭成本 是你为完成按揭贷款而支付的费用和收费吗. 其中包括评估费等项目, 标题的费用, 发放的费用, 记录的费用, 税, 预付项目. 交割费用因贷款人而异, 贷款类型, 和位置, 但它们通常在贷款金额的2%至5%之间. 例如, if you borrow $270,000, your 关闭成本 could be between $5,400 and $13,500.
你的 reserves are the amount of money you have left in your accounts after paying the 首付 and 关闭成本. Lenders want to see that you have enough reserves to cover several months of mortgage payments in case of an emergency, 比如失业, 意外的健康事件, 或者是家庭维修. 你需要多少准备金取决于你的贷款项目, 你的信用评分, 你LTV, 和你的DTI, 但通常, you need at least two to six months of reserves for a conventional loan and one to two months of reserves for an FHA loan.


增加资本的唯一方法就是 节省更多的钱例如,出售一些资产,接受礼物或赠款,或使用一笔资金 首付款援助计划. You should also avoid making large purchases or withdrawals before applying for a mortgage, 因为他们可能会影响你的资产核查和贷款审批.

提示 & 事实

提示 & 事实

那么,贷方如何决定是否预先批准你的抵押贷款呢? 他们着眼于四个主要因素, 通常被称为4c:信用, 能力, 资本, 和抵押品.


你的抵押品是你用抵押贷款购买的财产. 贷款人看的是价值, 条件, and type of the property to determine whether it meets their standards and whether it provides adequate security for the loan. They use an appraisal to assess the property’s value and a title search to verify the property’s ownership and legal status.
估价是对物业市场价值的独立评估, 基于它的位置, 大小, 特性, 条件, 可比较销售额. The appraiser inspects the property and prepares a report that includes a description, 照片, 地图, 以及有价值的意见. The lender uses the appraisal to ensure that you are not paying more for the property than it is worth and that the property meets the minimum requirements for the loan program. 例如, 如果你正在申请VA或FHA贷款, 该物业必须符合某些健康和安全标准, 比如有足够的暖气, 管道, 电气系统.
产权检索是对与财产有关的公共记录的审查, 比如契约, 抵押贷款, 留置权, 判断, 地役权, 和税收. The title company or the attorney conducts the title search to confirm that the seller is the legal owner of the property and that there are no outstanding claims or issues that could affect the transfer of ownership. The title company or the attorney also issues a title 保险 policy that protects you and the lender from any losses or damages due to title defects or errors.


改善你的抵押品, 你应该选择一处状况良好的房产, 有一个清晰的标题, 其市场价值等于或高于收购价格. You should also avoid making any changes to the property or the contract after the appraisal and the title search are completed, 因为它们可能会影响贷款审批和交割过程.

所需文件 有资格申请按揭贷款

When applying for a mortgage, you will need to provide certain documents to the lender. These will be used to verify your income and assets and demonstrate that you can afford the mortgage.

  • 纳税申报表
  • 工资存根,如果你是W-2雇员的话
  • 代表你方向卖方提交报价.
  • 银行对账单
  • 投资账目报表
  • 带照片的身份证件,比如驾照或护照

If you are getting the money for the 首付 from a family member or friend, 你还需要提供一封礼物信. 这封信应该说明这笔钱是礼物而不是贷款.


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